one of my long term retrofit projects is to get an old Matchmaker/Shizouka ST-N mill going.
The head on this is a varispeed, and also has a VFD on the spindle motor. The varispeed was originally controlled via the Summit (one arm bandit) tool changer and a stepper motor. There is an encoder fitted to the spindle, and just to a little extra to the mix, the spindle also has a high/low speed controlled via a pneumatic cylinder.
Nobody knows if the varispeed was ever used after the previous retrofit (which added the VFD, servos and Heidenhain control - the previous owner only bought it for servos and controller), but I'm thinking it would be good to be able to control it to maximise spindle power, as this mill will mostly be dealing with lumps of steel once running.
Which brings me to what I'd like input on.
I'm going to be fitting a KFlop plus Kanalog (plus a Konnect, but that doesn't really matter for this bit), and am wondering how others would go about controlling this lot.
Run the VFD at full speed, and rely on the varispeed, and switch between Hi/Lo when required?
Use some form of dual loop control between the VFD and varispeed?
Also, how do you actually program to use the HiLo? Extra code in the G-code, or program the KFlop to decide if a range change is needed?
Obviously speed control doesn't have to be absolutely precise, but I'm not wanting to end up with it continually hunting, and I'll need to somehow interface the varispeed stepper to the KFlop (I'm thinking of getting one of the analogue stepper drivers so I can control it via an analogue output rather than have to connect to the remaining header on the KFlop and add an individual stepper driver)
I'm open to everybody's thoughts/opinions on how they'd implement this.